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Search Results for "gibson"

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If vintage Les Paul guitars are what you covet fiercely, Jack Hetherington is one of the industry’s most knowledgeable and trustworthy experts who can skillfully guide you through the process of buying one.
The Gibson ES-335 is one of the most versatile guitar platforms of all time. It’s equally effective giving flight to rock, blues, funk, pop, jazz, country, prog, R&B, punk and just about any style of music you can imagine.
Jack Hetherington, Guitar Center's Director of Used and Vintage, has seen countless rare guitars, but when a single-owner 1958 Gibson Les Paul Custom came through the Hollywood Vintage Room, he had to share. We chatted with Jack about this unique instrument and the process of acquiring vintage guitars.
From Anderson .Paak's custom DW Drums Disco Ball Kit to Ookay's Roland AX-Edge Keytar - there was no shortage of eye-catching gear at the kick-off of festival season in the desert. Now that the dust has settled, we're showing you a few of our favorite trends spotted on stage and in the hands of artists.

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