Care & Cleaning
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To kick things off, let's take a look at some care and cleaning products for fretted instruments. There are many top sellers here, including the Planet Waves XLR8 String Lubricant and Cleaner and the Dunlop Fretboard 65 Ultimate Lemon. You'll even come across complete kits like the D'Andrea GMK1 Guitar Cleaner Maintenance Kit. This collection includes: a pro string cutter, 6-piece screw driver set, 5 hex wrenches for adjustments, polish, cloth, string winder, picks, strap locks and a vinyl pouch. Simply put, this kit has everything you need to keep your guitar in tip-top shape.
In addition to fretted instrument care and cleaning supplies, there are plenty of choices for other instruments and audio gear as well. If you're a keyboardist, you'll definitely want to try the Music Nomad Microfiber Dusting & Polishing Cloth. This popular seller contains 90,000 cleaning microfibers per square inch and a plush higher pile side designed to lift and trap dust away from the surface of your keys. Even recording engineers have options here: the Microphone Mic Cleaning kit features a safe disinfectant/deodorizer that dries fast and can kill 99.9% of germs in only two minutes.
And don't even think for a second that your care and cleaning options stop there. After all, this section is dedicated to anyone who has a passion for performing and cares about the well-being of their music equipment. No talent should ever be hindered by an unkempt instrument; the simple truth is that a little T.L.C will do wonders for your performance, which is why every serious musician should have care and cleaning products in their gig bag.