Seymour Duncan

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The Seymour Duncan Nazgul/Sentient Rails 7-String Humbucker Pickup Set lets you unleash blistering highs, cutting mids and precise bass. Handcrafted for exploring the depths of metal tunings, the Nazgul Rails bridge pickup combines the unrelenting articulation, saturation and chug of the original Nazgul with the clarity and tightness of a rail design. The rail pickup evenly distributes the magnetic field across the strings, enhancing string-to-string balance with increased clarity and sustain. The Sentient Rails neck pickup is the perfect companion, enhancing the ability to clean up effortlessly for intricate chordal passages while being clear and tight for single note runs under high gain. Incredibly expressive with a broad harmonic range, this pickup set embodies the essence of modern metal.

Seymour Duncan Nazgul/Sentient Rails 7-String Humbucker Pickup Black Set

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Hand-built 7-string humbuckers with Alnico 8 magnets and 4-conductor wiring Nazgûl Rails bridge for blistering highs cutting mids and tight bass Sentient Rails neck enhances clarity and cleans up effortlessly Vacuum wax potted for squeal-free performance

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