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Guy's Publishing Guy's Grids: More than a Chordbook
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Guy's Grids is a comprehensive presentation of guitar chord forms in a new and highly useful "grid" format. It presents related chords in logical proximity to each other which greatly facilitates the memorization process. Guy's Scales, Modes, and Arpeggios is a comprehensive and integrated presentation of scales, modes, and arpeggios, including fingering patterns in all positions of the fretboard.
Guy's Chord Cousins is the third piece in the series and will help the more advanced guitarist learn enharmonic chords, implied chords, and chord substitutes. Inversion Immersion provides practice progressions and memory aides to help master chord inversions. And finally, Two-String Harmonic Outlines for the Guitar presents two-string harmonic outlines of the most commonly used scales - a great resource for creating licks and harmonizing a melody.
Guy's Chord Cousins is the third piece in the series and will help the more advanced guitarist learn enharmonic chords, implied chords, and chord substitutes. Inversion Immersion provides practice progressions and memory aides to help master chord inversions. And finally, Two-String Harmonic Outlines for the Guitar presents two-string harmonic outlines of the most commonly used scales - a great resource for creating licks and harmonizing a melody.