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The 52nd Street Bb tenor saxophone is a professional instrument and comes unlacquered for a vintage appearance. It is an exceptionally responsive horn in all registers from low to high, and produces a big, fat sound with precise intonation. A larger bell and rolled-style tone holes contribute to the sound qualities of this instrument that many compare to some of the great vintage horns of the past.
Eastman 52nd Sreet Bb Tenor Saxophone

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  • High F# key
  • Aged unlacquered brass finish
  • Large bell
  • Rolled-style tone holes
  • Special 52nd St. engraving
  • "S" neck
  • Deluxe case with storage pockets and backpack straps

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High F# key, aged unlacquered brass Left and right hand section adjusting Adjustable palm key heights and thumbrest Double-brace on low C, B, Bb keys Large Bell, ringed tone holes, special 52nd St. Deluxe case w/storage pockets and backpack

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