Mixer Covers

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Mixers aren't going to take care of themselves - they need a helping hand from you! Whether you're a DJ, performer, live sound technician or any other sort of audio professional, your equipment deserves to be safeguarded from dust, debris and other things that could interfere with it. If your setup goes to outdoor stages, protection is even more important because you've got the weather to worry about as well. Fortunately, defending your valuable mixer from all these things is as easy as pie. All you need is a good collection of mixer covers on hand, and you'll be ready to "suit up" your boards for any situation.

The simplest covers in this section are basic blanket-style ones like the Mackie Onyx 32.4 Cover, 2404-VLZ Cover and ProFX22 Cover. Choosing between these is a simple matter of picking out the cover that fits your mixer model. They're made from waterproof fabric that keeps your mixer safe from moisture, dust and even upset drinks. That means you don't have to worry about what goes near your hardware - just do your thing, and let the cover stand in the way of any spills or accidents.

If you're looking for something a little more versatile, you might want to take a look at the SKB 10U Slant Mixer Case with Hardshell Top and the SKB Rolling Mixer X32 Case with Doghouse. These are more than just mixer covers: they're case hybrids that make it easy to transport, operate and protect the mixer without having to fully unpack it at every site. Just set up the case, open the lid, and you're ready to go. Getting a sound system up and running has never been faster or easier.

So don't wait another minute to get your mixer the cover it's been waiting for. Whether you choose one of the straightforward soft covers from Mackie, or go for the all-in-one hard-shelled solution from SKB, your mixer will thank you for it. In fact, you could even gear up your whole studio with the PreSonus StudioLive 64AI Mix System Kit. It's all up to you - just look for that option that's the best fit for your hardware and its needs.