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For most musicians, music isn't just a hobby that starts and ends on the stage - it's a way of life that encompasses every second of their day. For this reason, it's usually pretty easy to spot a musician - their home is typically filled with collectibles like photos of their favorite bands, miniature guitar replicas on their shelves and band magnets on the fridge. If this sounds like you, then you're going to love what this catalog has in store. Whether you're a Beatles fanatic, Hendrix connoisseur or love to proclaim your passion for all things Fender, these pages are loaded with music-related collectibles for every taste and budget. When you consider how eye-catching certain band logos are, it's no wonder why there are so many famous musical artists showcased in the form of clocks, lunch boxes, statuettes, candles and framed artwork. Take the Ramones, for example. For a group that was never truly embraced by the mainstream in their 22 years of non-stop touring, their "Presidential Seal" logo is now one of the most famous band logos of all time. In fact, the same can be said for the Misfits and their iconic "Crimson Ghost" skull logo. As you've probably guessed, both of these images can be found on countless patches, stickers, keychains, mugs and more. Or maybe you want to deck out your rehearsal space with calendars and posters of your favorite artists - in which case, you'll find more than enough choices here. Ace Framing has numerous top-selling posters of Bob Marley and The Beatles; Browntrout Publishing has eye-catching posters with images of Motley Crue, Iron Maiden and Taylor Swift. Are you a fan of miniature replicas and figurines? Check out the Axe Heaven Fender 60th Anniversary Stratocaster Miniature Guitar Replica, or their Jimmy Page Classic '71 Reissue Double Neck Miniature Guitar Replica. And your options go well beyond the collectibles mentioned, so try to spend some time in this section. The simple truth is that certain musical artists resonate with people in a way like nothing else. We all love to show others who our favorite bands are, and as you can see from the massive amount of collectibles available, there are many ways to let the world know who shapes your musical influences.