Ask any experienced viola player and they'll tell you that learning the instrument takes a great deal of patience and a solid practicing routine. Of course, the fact that you've come to this section means you're already aware of this - after all, this catalog is dedicated specifically to intermediate-level violists who are ready to move one step closer to a pro-level model. An intermediate viola's quality and workmanship is much higher compared to a student viola, and many advanced musicians even continue with them well into their careers.
The warm tone and smooth playability of an intermediate viola can be found in any one of the choices here. The only thing you need to decide is whether or not you want a model in the $500-$750 price range or something a higher between $1,000 and $1,500. If affordability is a main factor then check out the Bellafina Roma Select Series Viola Outfit. Featuring a special hand-selected Carpathian spruce top and a European flamed maple back, this combination makes for a rich tone and an eye-catching appearance. And remember, this is an "outfit" - so along with the instrument itself, you'll receive an upgraded octagonal bow and a deluxe viola foam case.
Now, if you really want to spoil yourself, turn your attention to the Maple Leaf Strings Lord Wilton Craftsmen Collection Viola. With an origin that dates back to 1742, the Lord Wilton was a Guarneri violin that was renowned worldwide for its incredible tone and performance. What you have here is a stunning tribute to the Lord Wilton that stays true to its original proportions and appointments. From its curly maple neck with flamed maple back and sides to its applied antique varnish, this viola is perfect for any musician who's committed to their craft.
Moving up to an intermediate viola says a lot about your devotion to the instrument. Truthfully, you should be proud that you've made it this far; learning to play the viola certainly isn't a walk in the park. For that reason alone, you deserve an instrument that was built with your aspirations in mind, and that's exactly what you'll find in this selection.