Hughes & Kettner

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The Hughes & Kettner GM40DH GrandMeister Deluxe 40 is the ultimate all tube guitar amplifier head. This 40-watt dynamo harnesses Deluxe Tone Technology to serve up a staggering variety of iconic tube tones at the touch of a button. Choose from crisp cleans, growling overdrive and face melting distortion—then save your favorite sounds to instant access presets. Built in modulation effects and reverb make it easy to sculpt your tone, while adjustable wattage lets you crank the amp at lower volumes. The GrandMeister Deluxe 40 also features a built in Red Box AE speaker emulator for direct recording and playing through PA systems without a guitar speaker cabinet. Whether you're gigging, recording or jamming at home, the Hughes & Kettner GM40DH GrandMeister Deluxe 40 is a formidable fusion of tube tone and modern technology.

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